About Us
History Of UPF
Pastor A.N. Mathew and Pastoramma left everything they had in Kerala at an early age to serve God in Andhra State. They faced many troubles and obstacles in their ministry. Pastor Mathews had to face oppositions was jailed and beaten up several times by religious fanatics. Living on a meager income and very little to feed his family, it was not unusual for them to sleep hungry. Pastoramma was a strong willed woman and had great faith in God. She stood by Pastor garu through all the tough times and took care of their five children and their studies by working hard without looking for any comfort or rest. However, her health deteriorated and she became bed ridden in her late fifties. Even this couldn’t dissuade her from managing the affairs of the house while Pastor garu was busy preaching the gospel. Pastoramma, bedridden for 15 years left for the Heavenly abode on December 11th 1993.